Konfiguration für Social Media mit Wix
Globale Webdesign Agentur
Social-Media-Websites und -Blogs erreichen 8 von 10 US-amerikanischen Internetnutzern. Und 71% der Internetnutzer kaufen eher bei einer Marke, die sie auf einer Social-Networking-Site wie Twitter oder Facebook verfolgen.
Social Media Marketing (SMM) entwickelt sich kontinuierlich weiter und wird zu einer leistungsstarken Online-Marketing-Ressource für Unternehmen und Marken.
Social Media-Plattformen wie Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn und Instagram können die Präsenz und das Interesse an Ihrem Unternehmen dynamisch steigern.
Suchmaschinen wie Google und Bing beginnen, Aktualisierungen, Tweets, Profile und Kommentare in ihre Ergebnisseiten zu integrieren, um die Bedeutung der sozialen Interaktion zu erkennen. Während die Internet-Community wächst und sich verändert, müssen Social Media-Kampagnen und -Taktiken immer einen Schritt voraus sein.
Infosites ist ein Social-Media-Marketing-Unternehmen mit umfassender Erfahrung in Social-Media-Diensten und dem Know-how, effektive Social-Media-Marketing-Kampagnen für Ihr Unternehmen kreativ zu gestalten und umzusetzen.

Zusammenfassung unserer Social Media Services

The social media marketing service offers custom solutions for your specific needs when it comes to social media. Whether you're looking to increase the likes or follows of your brand's page or if you need a targeted campaign to generate revenue and new customers. These are some of the following services you can expect from us:
Identification and assessment of the target audience.
Creation of effective social media marketing strategy and implementation.
Regularly scheduled updates as well as news and articles as they happen.
Continuous social media monitoring, including recognition and response.
Sustained research, tracking, and adaptation to online trends and resources.
Encouraging awareness and support within the blogging community and forums.
Targeting specific keywords, phrases, and topics relevant to your brand.
Utilization of analytics and data-tracking tools for strategy improvement.

Our social media service provides for a social media strategy and content creation. We start by performing thorough research on your industry and applying the latest social media strategies to your social accounts. This targeted content inspires your followers to engage with and support your business. Services include:
Strategy development
Social profile setup
Platform monitoring and moderation
Status updates
Content development
If you haven’t had the time yet or just aren’t sure how to go about creating social media profiles for your business, we can help!
Our social media team creates custom images, writes optimized content, links accounts, networks with other relevant pages and profiles, and so much more.
We can even train you to use your new social profiles to best reach your audience and promote your business, as well as how to track and interpret engagement metrics so that you know what is working for you and what isn’t.

More than any other advertising platform, social media advertising helps maximize your brand’s visibility and user engagement.
As a social media advertising agency, we use social media data to track basic user information and how they move across the Internet on platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn and YouTube.
Then we use that knowledge to craft a social media advertising strategy that achieves results.
Our services may include the following:
Build awareness on Facebook: From strategy creation to campaign analysis, we will help you achieve your Facebook objective of choice, whether it be to increase awareness, gain consideration, or earn conversions.
Increase your Twitter following: Snatch up attention from consumers across the world, adding followers by the hundreds.
Influence with Instagram: Engage and expand your audience with beautiful content that attracts clicks and comments.
Make B2B connections on LinkedIn: Grab the attention of the world’s top decision-makers. Whether it's advertising or sharing content, 91% of executives say LinkedIn is the best place to find quality content.

Social media brand management is critical to customer perception and conversion. Customers connect with brands on social media because they want to hear about sales and specials, receive coupons and buy products.
Unfortunately, many companies routinely miss customer engagement opportunities on social media due to lack of time or a designated, experienced team. Let our social media team craft a custom social media brand strategy that combines social media managementand social media advertising.
56% of U.S. consumers connect with brands on social media to receive promotions.
48% of consumers connect with brands because of interest in buying products.
80% of business executives agree that social media is important for branding.